High School » High School Graduation Requirements

High School Graduation Requirements

To fulfill the requirements for a diploma from the school district where the student resides, or Olive Crest Academy (OCA), students must:

  1. Complete credits in the stipulated required curriculum

  2. Perform at or above the identified proficiency levels, as determined by district-prescribed tests in reading, mathematics, English grammar, and written composition

  3. Achieve proficiency levels for credits in elective courses for completion of the required number of credits for graduation
      4. High school exit exam* 
The CAHSEE is administered to students for the first time in spring of their 10th grade year and two times per year thereafter.  With this schedule, students have multiple opportunities to pass each of the tests. Once a student has passed one of the tests, he/she does not have to take that particular test again.  Additional information is available on the California Department of Education’s website at: https://www.cde.ca.gov/.


Students on a non-diploma track will receive a Certificate of Completion, as per district requirements.

*As of January 1, 2016, the State of California suspended Senate Bill 2 that requires all students, beginning with the class of 2006, to meet the requirements of their school district related to the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) in order to receive a diploma.  This test is still offered, however currently is no longer a requirement pending California State legislative decision.