
Olive Crest Academy (OCA) is a non-public, non-profit school that provides a dynamic educational experience for students who will best succeed in a personal, specialized setting.

Olive Crest Academy serves special education students ages 5-18 years, grades K-12. We specialize in educating students with mild-to-moderate disabilities, including autism, emotional disturbance, speech and language impairment, other health impairment, and severe learning disability.

OCA serves students from throughout Orange and Los Angeles Counties, as well as the Inland Empire, through our campus located in Garden Grove (grades K-12).

To be placed at OCA, students must have a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) stating their academic, social, and emotional needs can be met at a non-public school (NPS). It is the expectation that the referring home district has exercised other least restrictive options prior to placement.

If a student’s behavior impedes learning of self or others, and the referring home district has exercised other least restrictive options, the school district may refer a student to Olive Crest Academy through the IEP process.

Prior to placement at OCA, the student and parent/guardian coordinate an intake meeting with our Director of Admissions to discuss the benefits of the OCA program, tour the school site, and receive answers to their questions. The purpose of this initial meeting is to determine if OCA’s program and the unique needs of the student are a good match. Final determination of placement is usually made two-three days after the intake is completed and all required paperwork has been submitted.

While it is preferred that students begin the school year at Olive Crest Academy, we accept new students throughout the year as space permits.

The referring school district will provide the most current IEP, psychological education report, behavior plan (if applicable), immunizations, attendance records, and transcript records prior to the student’s first day of school at OCA.

Once enrolled, an educational team is established to help nurture the success of the student. The team typically consists of the student, the student’s home district and family (parent/guardian), an OCA administrator, teacher, and counselor, and any other representatives who are involved with the student’s educational process. Approximately one month after a new student is placed with us, we reconvene for a 30-Day Review with the entire team to evaluate and “fine tune” the IEP as needed. Our Director of Admissions is always available to answer questions and address concerns outside of these meetings.

Olive Crest Academy must receive a referral from a student’s school district prior to meeting with prospective students and families. Once the referral is received, we welcome the opportunity to share more about how Olive Crest Academy will support your child’s academic needs. Please [email protected]  Director of Admissions, or call 714-620-7580, ext. 2026, for additional information or to schedule an appointment.