Transportation » Transportation



  • OCA will not transport students to locations other than those that have been previously arranged and approved

  • OCA will not transport students to the home of another student

  • Students will be transported in the morning and afternoon between two consistent destinations that are located within district boundaries. Frequent changes cannot be accommodated. Pick up or drop-off points outside of district boundaries must be authorized by the school district of residence.

  • The parent/guardian MUST notify the transportation office of any transportation changes needed two full working days in advance. Without proper notice, OCA cannot guarantee accommodation, and the parent/guardian may need to make alternate transportation plans.

  • All absences and the reason for the absence must be phoned in by 6:30 a.m. to the OCA transportation department: 714-998-6571, ext. 2018. At times, if the phone is being used, it may be necessary to leave a detailed message.

  • The only items students are permitted to bring to school are lunches, homework, jackets, and items approved by a therapist. If your student would like to bring an item, but you are unsure as to whether it is allowed, please contact your student's therapist. When in doubt, please leave it at home.